Passage to San Francisco Day 1

Sun is shining as we depart from Newport 8:45. Last night at a dock for a while.

Conditions on the water are quite wavy with winds of 17 to 18 knots. Surfing all the time. I am on watch 14:17 hours. Rob’s on nap time. This entry is just for me to remember how amazing and powerful the sea can be. I’m not sure if I can burn these images in my head? So write it down and maybe it will leave a permanent image for years to come. Plus writing this is keeping busy:). There are whales about I can see by all the spouts. They had better not be sleeping in front of me!

2 responses to “Passage to San Francisco Day 1”

  1. Thanks for the update. I’ve never actually seen a whale, just their spouts, but just the spout is enough to get me a bit excited.
    Thanks for the pictures, they rarely really convey how big the sea state is. Looks like you’ll be in this wind for a good while as it’s moving south with you



  2. Beautiful but scary!


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